What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence is the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior as part of a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another. It includes physical violence, sexual violence, threats, and emotional abuse. The frequency and severity of domestic violence can vary dramatically.
Domestic Violence in Louisiana
• In 2021, Louisiana ranked 5th in the nation for femicide (deliberate killing of a woman) and 2/3 of these murders were committed using guns.
• 81% of female homicides in Louisiana are committed by a partner or ex-partner.
• There has been at least one domestic homicide in every parish in Louisiana.
• Over 5,000 adult women per year living in Louisiana will experience domestic violence.
Did You Know?
• 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men in the United States have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner.
• On a typical day, domestic violence hotlines receive approximately 21,000 calls, an average of close to 15 calls every minute.
• Intimate partner violence accounts for 15% of all violent crime.
• The presence of a gun in the home during a domestic violence incident increases the risk of homicide by at least 500%.
• 72% of all murder-suicides involve an intimate partner; 94% of the victims of these crimes are female.
Statistics from National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence Programs in Louisiana
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence list of hotlines for multiple situations
Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence has many resources to assist both survivors and those offering help and services to survivors.
Agency Notes
Contact the Louisiana Legislative Auditor (LLA) Hotline if you suspect the misappropriation (theft), fraud, waste or abuse of public funds by anyone. Information provided to the LLA Hotline may result in an investigation, audit, or other review.
Toll-free: 1-844-503-7283
Online: ReportFraud.La
U.S. Mail: LLA Hotline, PO Box 94397, Baton Rouge, LA 70804